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FEBRUARY 8, 2021

Lucky v0.26 Released and ready to go!

Lucky v0.26 is the latest release, and loaded with some fun goodies!

Lucky v0.26 is out, and just like 0.25.0, this was another huge release! So many bug fixes, and even a few more goodies!

# How to upgrade


Or you can view the changes using LuckyDiff. This tool helps see what has changed between versions and will be included in upgrade notes from now on.

# Here’s what’s new

# Learn Lucky with LuckyCasts

Our core-team member Stephen Dolan has been cranking out some amazing videos you’ve probably watched on YouTube. The website has been updated, and looks all fresh and clean now!

Head on over to the all new LuckyCasts site to start your Lucky learning experience.

# Box is now Factory

In #614 of Avram we renamed Avram::Box to Avram::Factory. Even though this doesn’t change how they work, it’s still a breaking-change, and can require changes to a lot of code. We believe the term “Factory” will be more familiar to newcomers, and Crystal already has a Box class. You can find the discussion about this here.

Here’s just a quick example of the change:

# spec/support/boxes/
class UserBox < Avram::Box
  def initialize
    email ""

# spec/support/factories/
class UserFactory < Avram::Factory
  def initialize
    email ""

# Reverted the after_completed callback

In the 0.25.0 Release we added the after_completed callback to Avram::SaveOperation in order to handle a specific edge case. When calling SaveSomeObject.update(...), if there were no changes to that object, then no callbacks would run. The after_completed callback fixed this issue.

For this release, we’ve made the decision to always run after_save and after_commit whether your object has changes to commit to the database or not. The benefit of code running how you’d expect outweighed any performance benefit we gained from not running them.

Read more on this change.

# New CLI tasks

Lucky 0.26.0 adds in two new tasks

  • lucky gen.task SomeTask - Now a task to generate a new task! read the PR
  • lucky db.console - A task to enter the psql console without having to type your credentials read the PR

# Delete Operations

You’ve heard of SaveOperations, well now welcome DeleteOperations to the family!

Deleting records from the database is generally straight forward, but in some cases you may need a little more complex logic. Maybe an object can only be deleted if the current_user has certain permissions. Maybe special tasks need to happen after the object is deleted (i.e. clearing cache, etc…). Or in many cases, it’s becoming more common practice to require a user to “confirm” by typing that they really do want to delete. For these use cases, we now have the DeleteOperation.

Every model has a DeleteOperation that you can inherit from the same as the SaveOperation. Here’s an example:

# src/operations/
class DeleteRepo < Repo::DeleteOperation
  attribute confirm_delete : String

  before_delete do
    if confirm_delete.value != "luckyframework/#{git_name.value}"
      confirm_delete.add_error("You must confirm the delete")

  after_delete do |deleted_repo|!("luckyframework/#{deleted_repo.git_name}")

# src/actions/repos/
class Repos::Delete < BrowserAction
  delete "/repos/:repo_id" do
    repo = RepoQuery.find(repo_id)

    DeleteRepo.destroy(repo) do |operation, deleted_repo|
      if operation.deleted?
        flash.success = "The repo #{deleted_repo.git_name} has been deleted"
        redirect to: Home::Index

Read more on this feature.

# CIText Support

This was new to some of us that had never even heard of “citext” before. The “citext” column in postgres is “Case-Insensitive Text”. This allows you to store a string in your database, and do lookups against it without the need to do something like "WHERE LOWER(email) = ?", email.downcase. Instead, your users could spell their email like “” and still log in with “”.

By default, all String columns in Avram are case sensitive, but if you’d like to use this citext column, just add case_sensitive: false to your migrations!

# NOTE: You must enable the extension for this feature to work!
enable_extension "citext"

create table_for(User) do
  add name : String
  add email : String, case_sensitive: false

Read more on this feature.

# More updates to LuckyFlow

With the release of LuckyFlow 0.7.2, matthewmcgarvey has worked his magic to bring us the ability to watch our Flow specs in real time!

Generally, you would run your specs in “headless” mode, meaning you’d never see the browser interaction. Before this release, the only way to know what your specs were doing was to take a screenshot at some point in your flow. Now, you can run it headfully. This means when you start your specs, you’ll see a browser window open and interact in real time.

To set this up, you’ll update spec/setup/

# spec/setup/
LuckyFlow.configure do |settings|
  settings.stop_retrying_after = 200.milliseconds
  settings.base_uri = Lucky::RouteHelper.settings.base_uri

  # Add this setting
  settings.driver = LuckyFlow::Drivers::Chrome
Spec.before_each { LuckyFlow::Server::INSTANCE.reset }

LuckyFlow also now comes with the ability to pause your specs. This will temporarily halt the browser test while you take your time to inspect and debug. Then you can easily continue by pressing your enter/return key from the console.

flow =


flow.pause # Head back to your terminal to resume


# Ditching route and nested_route

Lucky comes built with two special macros route and nested_route which automatically define both the HTTP Verb, and the actual request path for your actions. This is nice because Users::Index magically becomes get "/users", and Users::Comments::Index is turned in to get "/users/:user_id/comments". It cleans up your code a little, and makes things consistent.

The downside to this is, what does Admin::Report::Spending become, or how about Git::Push? The route and nested_route macros work great when you’re building simple REST related resources, but in more complex cases, you end up writing your routes out manually. This means your actions are no longer written consistently.

Updating your actions should be pretty straight forward.

  • Run the lucky routes task to get a list of the full generated routes.
  • Replace route and nested_route with the generated routes shown in the lucky routes output.
# Before Update
class Users::Index < BrowserAction
  route do
    # ...

# After Update
class Users::Index < BrowserAction
  get "/users" do
    # ...

Read this PR and this PR. Also expect the docs related to these to be dropped soon.

# So much more!

Here’s a few goodies we don’t have time to cover:

  • Test if an email was sent with have_delivered_emails expectation
  • Use has_one in your SaveOperation
  • Support for Array(UUID) column types
  • New validate_numeric validation
  • A new Heroku buildpack for (slightly) faster deploys
  • Starting work to support composite primary keys

Read through the CHANGELOG to see it all!

# Parting words

Each release we make lots of strides towards hitting our goal of a solid 1.0 release. You can help us by building an app! Build anything, and let us know your thoughts. What do you like, what would you like to see improved?

If you find any issues, don’t hesitate to report them. If you’re unsure, just hop on Discord chat so we can help you out.

Thanks so much for the support!

# Follow and spread the word

If you haven’t already, give us a star on GitHub, and be sure to follow us on Twitter.

Learn more about Lucky with the all new LuckyCasts!

For questions, or just to chat, come say hi on Discord.