Lucky Logo

# Prerequisites

What you will need:

  • A server with Ubuntu Linux ( this guide assumes 18.04 but should work for other versions a well)
  • SSH access to the server with sudo permissions
  • A lucky app with an awesome name. Replace <yourapp> in the following instructions with that name.
  • A domain name. While lucky apps can be deployed in a “subdirectory” of a domain, they work best when installed at the root of the domain. Replace <yourdomain> in the following instructions with that domain name.

# Install required dependencies

sudo apt install postgresql
  • Install git
sudo apt install git

# Add a deployment user

Create a new user. This will be the user your app will run as.

sudo adduser --disabled-login deploy

# Add a directory for your app

This will hold your application’s code:

sudo mkdir /srv/<yourapp>
sudo chown deploy:deploy /srv/<yourapp>

# Create a PostgreSQL database

Management of PostgreSQL on Debian/Ubuntu is usually performed as the postgres user.


sudo su - postgres

to become the postgres user and create a new database for your app:

createdb -O deploy <yourapp>_production

# Deploying your app

Become the deploy user:

sudo su - deploy

And then check out your code:

git clone <your_repo_url> /srv/<yourapp>
cd /srv/<yourapp>

On subsequent deployments you can then simply use git pull to get the latest code or git fetch followed by git checkout to check out a specific tag or branch.

Once you have the code you want to deploy you need to install / update dependencies:

yarn install
shards install

Then first compile your assets for production use:

yarn prod

And finally your lucky app:

crystal build --release src/

After every deploy you should run your migrations:

crystal run -- db.migrate

Note: You may have to specify the DATABASE_URL and any other environment variables your app uses before you can migrate. Only DATABASE_URL needs to be real. The rest can be blank. For example if your app uses API_KEY and SUPPORT_EMAIL environment variables, you can add them before running crystal like so:

API_KEY= SUPPORT_EMAIL= DATABASE_URL=postgres://<username>:<password>@<appname>_production crystal run -- db.migrate

Exit your session as the deploy user, either with CTRL-D or by entering exit.

If you are on your first install, we will worry about starting the server later. On subsequent deployments you will need to trigger a restart:

sudo service <yourapp> restart

# Creating a systemd unit file for your app

Modern versions of Ubuntu use systemd as init system and process supervisor. Systemd can take care of starting your app and even restarting it in case of crashes.

To start with, you could create a “unit file” in /etc/systemd/system/<yourapp>.service with the following content:

Description=Awesome description of <yourapp>

Environment="SECRET_KEY_BASE=<random unique key>"
Environment="SEND_GRID_KEY=<SendGrid key>"


Take special note of the environment variables:


    This tells lucky to run in production mode.


    This is a secret key that should be random and unique to your server. You can use the gen.secret_key task to generate a suitable string:

    lucky gen.secret_key

This is your SendGrid key to be able to send emails. Set it to ‘unused’ if not sending emails.


    This tells lucky where to find your database.


    lucky uses this setting to generate full URLs.

  • HOST and PORT

    This tells our server on which IP address and port to listen on. We set this to localhost to not expose the lucky app directly to the internet. Instead we will put a “proper” webserver in front of it, that can also handle TLS/SSL among other things.

After creating a new unit file, or editing an existing one, you need to run the following command for systemd to pick up the changes:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload

Then you should be able to start your app for the first time:

sudo service <yourapp> start

This would be a good time to further read about systemds unit files and service definitions just in case you would like to make some customizations.

# Install and configure nginx as a frontend webserver

Install nginx:

sudo apt install nginx

Create a new configuration file in /etc/nginx/sites-available/<yourapp>.conf with the following content:

upstream lucky {
        server localhost:5000;

server {
        listen 80 default_server;
        listen [::]:80 default_server;

        server_name <yourdomain>;

        return 301 https://$host$request_uri;

server {
        listen 443 ssl default_server;
        listen [::]:443 ssl default_server;

        root /srv/<yourapp>/public;

        server_name <yourdomain>;

        location / {
                proxy_pass http://lucky;

        ssl_certificate /etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem;
        ssl_certificate_key /etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key;

If you keep default_server in config above, remove the default sites config from /etc/nginx/sites-enabled. If you intend to host your app alongside other virtual hosts and it’s not your default site then remove default_server from the config above.

Create a symbolic link for your configuration in /etc/nginx/sites-enabled:

sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/<yourapp>.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/<yourapp>.conf

Restart nginx:

sudo service nginx restart

# Possible next steps

  • Acquire a valid SSL certificate (possibly using Let’s Encrypt)
  • Configure Dexter, lucky’s logger, to log into a file and set up logrotate to rotate it at regular intervals
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