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# Securing actions

Security is a very important part to building an application, and Lucky comes with a few small tools to help you out.

If you look in your src/actions/, you’ll see Lucky has added the Lucky::ProtectFromForgery module, which helps to protect you against Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF).

There’s a few other modules you can include in your actions to help secure your app against attacks. It’s up to you to decide which ones work best for your needs.

# SetCSPGuard

This module sets the HTTP header Content-Security-Policy. It’s job is to prevent a wide range of attacks like Cross-Site Scripting.

Include this module in the actions you want to add this to. A required method csp_guard_value must be defined

class BrowserAction < Lucky::Action
  include Lucky::SecureHeaders::SetCSPGuard

  def csp_guard_value : String do |io|
      io << "default-src 'self' 'unsafe-eval' 'unsafe-inline' blob:"

# SetFrameGuard

This module sets the HTTP header X-Frame-Options. It’s job is responsible for deciding which site can call your site from within a frame. For more information, read up on Clickjacking.

abstract class BrowserAction < Lucky::Action
  include Lucky::SecureHeaders::SetFrameGuard

  def frame_guard_value : String

The frame_guard_value method is required, and must be "sameorigin", "deny", or a valid URL for your website. The explicit return type (String in this example) is required when you override abstract method with explicit return type.

# SetSniffGuard

This module sets the HTTP header X-Content-Type-Options. It’s job is responsible for disabling mime type sniffing. For more information, read up on MIME type security.

abstract class BrowserAction < Lucky::Action
  include Lucky::SecureHeaders::SetSniffGuard

# SetXSSGuard

This module sets the HTTP header X-XSS-Protection. It’s job is responsible for telling the browser to not render a page if it detects cross-site scripting. Lucky disables this header for Internet Explorer version < 9 for you as per recommendations. Read more on Microsoft.

abstract class BrowserAction < Lucky::Action
  include Lucky::SecureHeaders::SetXSSGuard

# Forcing SSL and HSTS

‘Strict-Transport-Security’ header is used for telling a browser that this site should only be accessed using HTTPS. Lucky comes with a Lucky::ForceSSLHandler handler already included, but disabled by default. To enable this, go to config/, and set the settings.enabled option to true.

If you would like to enable HSTS, you can add the options to the settings.strict_transport_security option.

# config/

Lucky::ForceSSLHandler.configure do |settings|
  settings.enabled = LuckyEnv.production?
  settings.strict_transport_security = {max_age: 1.year, include_subdomains: true}

# Google FLoC

The ‘Permissions-Policy’ header is a part of Google’s Federated Learning of Cohorts (FLoC) which is used to track browsing history instead of using 3rd-party cookies.

Lucky disables this feature by setting the header value to interest-cohort=() with the Lucky::SecureHeaders::DisableFLoC module. If you want to enable this tracking for your application, you must remove the module include from your BrowserAction, then add in the specific cohort you need.

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