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# Getting Started

BrightSec (formerly NeuraLegion) provides a no false positive, Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) scanner to automatically test your application against common vulnerabilities like cross-site scripting (XSS), IP & header spoofing, SQL Injection (SQi), and cookie tampering, for example.

By integrating the BightSec SecTester, we can easily test our Lucky applications to ensure we’re not pushing major security holes in to production. To get started, we will need to create a free account and generate a new API key.

New Lucky applications can generate the configuration as well as a full spec suite. Use the init.custom command with the --with-sec-test flag to generate your application.

lucky init.custom my_app --with-sec-test

This will generate a full web application with authentication, SecTester configuration, and specs that can be ran to test your application. Before we run that, we will need to get an API, and setup a few things.

# Setup

# Create a new API key

Head over to BrightSec Signup and create your account. Once you’re logged in, you can visit your Profile, and generate a new API key. For now, create with all scopes enabled; this can be customized later.

Save this key in your .env file locally as NEXPLOIT_TOKEN.

The ENV is called from spec/setup/

# Install the Nexploit Repeater

The Nexploit Repeater is an NPM package that runs locally to send requests between your local application, and the BrightSec scans.

npm install -g @neuralegion/nexploit-cli --unsafe-perm=true

# Running the specs

Depending on how you generated your application (i.e. with/without auth, api/full, etc…), there will be several different tests generated for you. You can find these in your spec/flows/ file.

Each of these tests can take a bit of time to run, so to save on scan time, when you run crystal spec, the security specs are skipped by default. In order to run these, you’ll need to pass the -Dwith_sec_tests flag.

crystal spec -Dwith_sec_tests

You may also notice that your Github Actions CI in .github/workflows/ci.yml includes this flag ensuring that each CI run will run these tests.

# Common Vulnerabilities

Here is a list of some of the more common vulnerabilities you may want to test your application for.

# sqli

A SQL injection attack is the insertion (injection) of a malicious SQL query via the input data from a client to an application.

This vulnerability allows an attacker to:

  • Modify application data
  • Bypass protection mechanism
  • Read application data

Read more on sqli

# jwt

JSON Web Token (JWT) is an open standard that defines a compact and self-contained way for transmitting information as a JSON object securely between parties.

This vulnerability allows an attacker to:

  • Gain privileges or assume identity
  • Bypass protection mechanism
  • Bypass authentication mechanism

Read more on jwt

# xss / dom_xss

XSS, or cross-site scripting, allows the attacker to execute arbitrary HTML and JavaScript in the user’s browser. As a result, the attacker gets access to the application and can do anything that the victim (user) can on the client side (access any cookies, session tokens and other).

This vulnerability allows an attacker to:

  • Execute unauthorized code or commands
  • Bypass protection mechanism
  • Read the application data
  • Deface the application

Read more on xss

# ssrf

SSRF, or server-side request forgery, allows the attacker to execute code by sending any request to any URL address through the victim application on the web server.

This vulnerability allows the attacker to:

  • Gain sensitive information on the server
  • Get access to internal services
  • Get access to Databases if the access is allowed for internal network
  • Scan host ports on internal networks

Read more on ssrf

# header_security

By enabling certain headers in your web application and server settings, you can increase your web application resistance to many common attacks. Implementing the right headers is a crucial aspect of a best-practice application setup.

This vulnerability may expose the application to the following attack vectors:

  • Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
  • Clickjacking
  • Code injection

Read more on header_security

A cookie is a small piece of data that a server sends to the user’s web browser. The browser may store it and send it back with later requests to the same server. Typically, it is used to tell if two requests came from the same browser (keeping a user logged-in, for example).

This vulnerability allows an attacker to read the application data.

Read more on cookie_seciryt

For more comprehensive documentation, visit the BrightSec Vulnerability Guide.

# Writing a Test

To avoid running out of scan hours too quick, it’s recommended to place your tests together in spec/flows/ below the skip_file macro. This will ensure the specs are only ran when explicitly told to with the -Dwith_sec_tests flag.

Each test is ran within the scan_with_cleanup which is defined at the bottom of the spec file. This method just ensures the scanner is cleaned up between each test.

it "tests for header_security" do
  scan_with_cleanup do |scanner|
    # test goes here

Next, we need to create our target. The target will be the route that we are testing the vulnerability against. The LuckySecTester shard gives us a nice Lucky integration which allows us to have compile-time checks against our Actions. If a path changes, the spec doesn’t break.

it "tests for header_security" do
  scan_with_cleanup do |scanner|
    user = UserFactory.create &.username("h4x0r")
    target = scanner.build_target(Users::Show.with(user.slug))
    # ...

The build_target method can take any Lucky::Action, or Lucky::RouteHelper.

Finally, we call the scanner.run_check method to execute the tests we want to check.

it "tests for header_security" do
  scan_with_cleanup do |scanner|
    user = UserFactory.create &.username("h4x0r")
    target = scanner.build_target(Users::Show.with(user.slug))
      scan_name: "Users::Show header_security test.",
      tests: [
      target: target

# scan_name

This name is displayed on your BrightSec dashboard for each scan. You can use special ENV values from the CI (e.g. ENV["GITHUB_REF"], ENV["GITHUB_RUN_ID"]) to ensure they’re always unique, or set it to whatever you’d like.

# tests

This is an array of strings that match the vulnerability names you want to test. You can test against one, or several different vulnerabilities.

If you leave this value as nil, it will tell the SecTester to run against ALL of the available vulnerabilities.

For more information about choosing and configuring the right tests visit the SecTester Docs

# target

This is the target object we created. In some cases, you may need an escape hatch to build a custom target. You can use SecTester::Target directly for this.

target = + Lucky::AssetHelpers.asset("js/app.js"))

# severity_threshold

Some tests are a bit more strict than others. One case is with cookie_security, it will make sure that your cookies are set to HTTP only. However, Lucky only sets this value when HTTPS is enable, and HTTPS is only enabled in a Production environment. In this case, the spec would fail by default.

For these cases, we can set the severity_threshold option to SecTester::Severity::Medium.

Values for this are SecTester::Severity::High (default), SecTester::Severity::Medium, and SecTester::Severity::Low.

# Customizing Targets

If your action requires data to be sent such as a user signup, or user login, you can customize the data by passing a block to the build_target.

target = scanner.build_target(SignUps::Create) do |t|
  t.body = ""

# API actions

When posting data to an API action, your data will most likely need to be JSON formatted. You’ll also need to make sure you send the appropriate JSON headers.

api_headers = HTTP::Headers{"Content-Type" => "application/json", "Accept" => "application/json"}
target = scanner.build_target(Api::SignIns::Create, headers: api_headers) do |t|
  t.body = {"user" => {
    "email" => "", "password" => "123456789"

The target body should always be a String. Be sure to call to_json when using a Hash-like structure.

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