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# Introduction

In many frameworks pagination can be painful. You may have multiple options to choose from, the HTML can be hard to customize, and often the APIs are hard to understand.

In Lucky and Avram, we’ve built in pagination and HTML pagination components so you can get started quickly. You can also copy the HTML components to your app and customize them to your hearts content.

Let’s dive in!

# Setup

You can paginate records from within an action by including the Lucky::Paginator::BackendHelpers in your actions.

It’s usually best to include the helpers in your base actions, such as ApiAction or BrowserAction. That way any action that inherits from them has access to the included methods:

# src/actions/
abstract class BrowserAction < Lucky::Action
  include Lucky::Paginator::BackendHelpers

We are using BrowserAction in this example, but it works the same for ApiAction > or any other Lucky::Action

This module will add the paginate method to you actions. This is what you’ll use to paginate your query results.

# Paginating

Pagination is easy-peasy, call paginate with a query:

class Users::Index < BrowserAction
  get "/users" do
    pages, users = paginate(
    html IndexPage, users: users, pages: pages

In this case pages is a Lucky::Paginator with metadata about the current page, total numbers of pages, and helpers for generating paths to next and previous pages.

The other variable, users, is the passed in query ( with a limit and offset applied so it returns records for just the requested page.

paginate will use the page param or fallback to page 1 if page is not present. The page param can be a query param, a body param, or a route param.

Next we’ll go over how to customize the defaults.

# Customizing defaults

By default paginate returns 25 records per page and uses the page param to determine which page is requested. But if you want something else, you can!

# Customizing records per page

There are 2 ways to customize items per page.

You can pass it to the paginate method:

paginate(, per_page: 50)

Or you can customize it with a method on your action:

abstract class BrowserAction < Lucky::Action
  include Lucky::Paginator::BackendHelpers

  def paginator_per_page : Int32
    50 # Return a static value

    # Or allow using a param with a default
    params.get?(:per_page).try(&.to_i) || 50

As you can see you can customize this however you want. You can use a request headers, static value, param, or whatever custom logic you prefer.

# Customize current page

By default paginate uses the page param. The param can come from a query param, route param, or body param. If the page param is not there, it will fall back to page 1.

If this logic is not what you want, you can customize it by creating a paginator_page that returns an Int32

abstract class ApiAction < Lucky::Action
  include Lucky::Paginator::BackendHelpers

  def paginator_page : Int32
    request.headers["Page"]?.try(&.to_i) || 1

You can use headers, params, or whatever custom logic you’d like.

# HTML components

With just 2 lines of code you can render pagination links in your HTML pages.

  • Add a needs pages : Lucky::Paginator
  • Mount one of the built-in pagination components
class Users::IndexPage < MainLayout
  needs users : UserQuery
  needs pages : Lucky::Paginator # Add this to use the paginator

  def content
    # Mount one of the built-in components
    mount Lucky::Paginator::SimpleNav, pages

# Built-in components

There are 3 bult-in components:

  • Lucky::Paginator::SimpleNav uses a ul and li tags and no classes for styling.
  • Lucky::Paginator::BootstrapNav uses Bootstrap pagination HTML and classes.
  • Lucky::Paginator::BulmaNav uses Bulma pagination HTML and classes.

# Customizing built-in components:

The SimpleNav component will almost certainly need to be customized to fit your websites theme, but any of the components can be customized or used as an example for something you build from scratch.

  1. Create an empty component in your app, for example: lucky gen.component PaginationLinks
  2. Find the component you want to customize from the Lucky repo’s components directory
  3. Copy the contents of the component into your newly generated component

And that’s it! You can mount it like any other component mount PaginationsLinks, page and customize the HTML and classes as much as you’d like.

# API responses

The Lucky::Paginator object can help to add pagination metadata to JSON responses.

# Adding to response headers

This is likely the best approach since you don’t need to modify the JSON response at all.

class Api::Users::Index < ApiAction
  get "/api/users/index" do
    pages, users = paginate(
    response.headers["Next-Page"] = pages.path_to_next.to_s
    response.headers["Total-Pages"] =
    json UserSerializer.for_collection(users)

We’ll go into more details about all the methods on Lucky::Paginator later, but this simple example shows how you can use the paginator object to provide helpful pagination data in your API responses.

# A JSON example

This is a simple example that returns some metadata as JSON.

class Api::Users::Index < ApiAction
  get "/api/users/index" do
    # We'll skip returning the users for this example
    pages, _users = paginate(
    json(next_page: pages.path_for_next, total_items: pages.item_count)

# Adding pagination data to all JSON collections

Next, let’s do something a bit more realistic. We’ll modify the BaseSerializer to accept a Lucky::Paginator when rendering a collection. That way we can add pagination data to every JSON response that renders a collection.

# src/serializers/
abstract class BaseSerializer < Lucky::Serializer
  # Add a new 'pages' argument
  def self.for_collection(collection : Enumerable, pages : Lucky::Paginator, *args, **named_args)
      "items" => do |object|
        new(object, *args, **named_args)
      # Add pagination metadata to the response
      "pagination" => {
        next_page: pages.path_to_next,
        previous_page: pages.path_to_previous,
        total_items: pages.item_count,

If you want to customize rendering further, see the collection rendering guide.

Next, we’ll go into details about all the methods available on the Lucky::Paginator object.

# Paginate arrays

If you are working with arrays that are not coming from the database, you can use the paginate_array method. It will paginate the array and return the Paginator object for that array.

  array = [1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7]
  pages, numbers = paginate_array(array)
  html IndexPage, numbers: numbers, pages: pages

The array can contain all different types, like Int32, String, or your own classes.

# The Lucky::Paginator object

The paginate method returns a Lucky::Paginator object. This object contains information about the pages as well as a number of methods for generating paths to a given page.

# page

The page method returns the requested page as an Int32

# item_count

The total number of items in the query as an Int32 | Int64

# one_page?

Returns true if there is just 1 page.

# last_page?

Returns true if you are on the last page.

# first_page?

Returns true if you are on the first page.

# total

Returns the total number of pages as an Int64

# overflowed?

Returns true if the requested page is past the last page.

# next_page

Returns the page number for the next page.

Returns nil if there is no next page.

# previous_page

Returns the page number for the previous page.

Returns nil if there is no previous page.

# path_to_next

Returns the path with a ‘page’ query param for the next page.

Returns nil if there is no next page.

# path_to_previous

Returns the path with a ‘page’ query param for the previous page.

Returns nil if there is no previous page.

# path_to_page

Returns the path with a ‘page’ query param for the given page.

# item_range

Returns the Range of items on this requested page.

For example if you have 50 records, showing 20 per page, and you are on the 2nd page this method will return a range of 21-40.

You can get the beginning and end by calling begin or end on the returned Range.

range = pages.item_range
"Showing #{range.begin}-#{range.end} of #{pages.item_count}"

# series

Requires its own section 😃

# The ‘series’ method

The series method calculates the series of pages and gaps based on how many pages there are, and what the current page is. It uses the begin|left_of_current|right_of_current|end arguments to customize the returned series of pages and gaps. The series is made up of Lucky::Paginator::Gap, Lucky::Paginator::Page and Lucky::Paginator::CurrentPage objects. This method is typically used to build pagination links in HTML.

# An example

The best way to describe how this works is with an example. Let’s say you have 10 pages of items and you are requesting page 5.

Note we will simplify the objects by using integers and “..” in place of the Gap|Page|CurrentPage objects. We’ll show an example with the real objects further down

# 10 pages of items and you are requesting page 5
series = pages.series(begin: 1, left_of_current: 1, right_of_current: 1, end: 1)
series # [1, .., 4, 5, 6, .., 10]

# All args default to 0 so you can leave them off. That means `begin|end`
# are 0 in this example.
series = pages.series(left_of_current: 1, right_of_current: 1)
series # [4, 5, 6]

# The current page is always shown
series = pages.series(begin: 2, end: 2)
series # [1, 2, .., 5, .., 9, 10]

# The `series` method is smart and will not add gaps if there is no gap.
# It will also not add items past the current page.
series = pages.series(begin: 6)
series # [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

As mentioned above the actual objects in the Array are made up of Lucky::Paginator::Gap, Lucky::Paginator::Page, and Lucky::Paginator::CurrentPage objects.

pages.series(begin: 1, end: 1)
# Returns:
# [
#   Lucky::Paginator::Page(1),
#   Lucky::Paginator::Gap,
#   Lucky::Paginator::CurrentPage(5),
#   Lucky::Paginator::Gap,
#   Lucky::Paginator::Page(10),
# ]

The Page and CurrentPage objects have a number and path method. Page#number returns the number of the page as an Int. The Page#path method Return the path to the next page.

The Gap object has no methods or instance variables. It is there to represent a “gap” of pages.

These objects make it easy to use method # overloading or is_a? to determine how to render each item.

# Rendering the series

Here’s a quick example that prints strings:

pages.series(begin: 1, end: 1).each do |item|
  case item
  when Lucky::Paginator::CurrentPage | Lucky::Paginator::Page
    pp! item.number # Int32 representing the page number
    pp! item.path   # "/items?page=2"
  when Lucky::Paginator::Gap
    puts "..."

Or use method overloading. This will show an example using Lucky’s HTML methods:

class PageNav < BaseComponent
  needs pages : Lucky::Paginator

  def render
    pages.series(begin: 1, end: 1).each do |item|

  def page_item(page : Lucky::Paginator::CurrentPage)
    # If it is the current page, just display text and no link
    text page.number

  def page_item(page : Lucky::Paginator::CurrentPage)
    a page.number, href: page.path

  def page_item(gap : Lucky::Paginator::Gap)
    text ".."

See the built-in SimpleNav component to see series in action and get some ideas.

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