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# Executing Raw SQL

We can execute raw sql using Avram::Database which gives us direct access to our app’s database instance. The result of the query will be a DB::ResultSet which we will later map to classes that can be easily used in our app.

posts_result_set = AppDatabase.query_all("SELECT * FROM posts", as: Post)

# Custom Queries

Since we have direct access to the database instance, we can run whatever query we want as long as it’s valid sql for the postgresql driver that Lucky uses.

Let’s create a query with a non-trivial SELECT statement that we can map to a Crystal class.

Note: This assumes we have post and user tables already created

sql = <<-SQL
    ('PREFIX: ' || posts.content) as custom_key, -- custom key for fun
    ) as author
  FROM posts
  JOIN users
  ON = posts.user_id;

# Map the Query to a Class

crystal-db comes with a powerful DB.mapping macro that makes it simple to map a database query to a class by defining the keys and types of each column.

Let’s create a ComplexPost class in our models folder and define the database mapping.

# src/models/
class ComplexPost
    id: Int64,
    title: String,
    content: {
        type: String,
        nilable: false,
        key: "custom_key"
    author: JSON::Any

# Putting it All Together

Now we can make our query and instantiate ComplexPosts from the result easily using the as method.

complex_posts = AppDatabase.query_all(sql, as: ComplexPost)

Believe it or not, that’s all it takes! complex_posts is now of the type Array(ComplexPost) and ready to be used in your pages or returned by your JSON API.

# SQL with dynamic args

If you need to pass in an external value to your query, you will need to add placeholders where your values will be inserted. This is to avoid doing string interpolation which could lead to potential security holes and SQL injection.

The placeholder for raw SQL uses the $N notation where N is the number of args being passed in. For example, if you need to pass in 2 args, you’ll use the placeholder $1 for the first arg value, and $2 for the second arg value, and so on.

sql = <<-SQL
  ('PREFIX: ' || posts.content) as custom_key, -- custom key for fun
  ) as author
FROM posts
JOIN users ON = posts.user_id
WHERE posts.published_at BETWEEN ($1 AND $2);

complex_posts = AppDatabase.query_all(
  # 4.hours.ago maps to the $1 placeholder, and 1.hour.ago maps to the $2 placeholder
  args: [4.hours.ago, 1.hour.ago],
  as: ComplexPost

This returns Array(ComplexPost) where the posts were published_at between 4 hours ago, and 1 hour ago.

The args argument is always an Array, even for a single argument.

# Using existing models

In cases where you need some custom SQL, but you also need to return your existing models, you can easily map to you model. The trick here is using the Model.column_names method.

sql = <<-SQL
WITH blocked_ids AS (
  FROM blocked_accounts
  WHERE issuer = $1
SELECT #{User.column_names.join(',') { |col| "users.#{col}" }}
FROM users
WHERE id NOT IN (blocked_ids)

AppDatabase.query_all(sql, args: ["system"], as: User)

In this example, we’re able to take advantage of complex SQL structures like CTEs, and have the query return Array(User).

The column_names method returns Array(Symbol) and needs to be converted in to a proper SQL string. Though * may work in some cases, if the SQL generates more columns than your model has, you’ll get an error.

# Example with sub-types

Often times you’ll find yourself needing to do reports on models with aggregate queries. For these, you can create a sub-type class that uses the columns you need.

class User < BaseModel
  class Report
    include DB::Serializable
    property total : Int64
    property date : Time

class UserReportQuery
  def self.all : Array(User::Report)
    sql = <<-SQL
    SELECT COUNT(*) AS total, DATE(created_at) AS date
    FROM users
    GROUP BY DATE(created_at)

    AppDatabase.query_all(sql, as: User::Report)

# Additional Supported Methods

The query_all method is the most common since it returns an Array of rows. However, crystal-db supports many other methods you can use. Each of these are class methods called on your database class. (e.g. AppDatabase)

  • exec - Used to execute SQL. Best used with Inserts, Deletes, Updates, or queries like refreshing views.
  • scalar - Returns a single value like a select count, or other aggregate value
  • query_all - Returns an Array of records.
  • query_one - Returns a single records, or raises an exception if no record is found.
  • query_one? - Same as query_one, but will return nil instead of raising an exception.

Each of these methods use the same signature for convienience.

AppDatabase.exec "REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW reports"
AppDatabase.scalar "SELECT SUM(amount) FROM payments WHERE user_id = $1", args: []
# The `queryable` arg is used for logging within Breeze
AppDatabase.query_all large_sql, queryable: "PostQuery", as: ComplexPost
AppDatabase.query_one "SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = -1" # raises an exception
AppDatabase.query_one? "SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = -1" # returns nil

# Escape hatch

In addition to these methods, you can also drop down to crystal-db directly by using the run method which returns the db instance to the block. do |crystal_db|
  # call any `DB::QueryMethods` from here as needed
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