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# Setting up an operation

When you set up a model, a {ModelName}::SaveOperation will be created so that you can inherit from it and customize validations, callbacks, and what fields are allowed to be filled. {ModelName}::SaveOperation automatically defines an attribute for each model field.

We’ll be using the migration and model from the Querying guide. Once you have that set up, let’s set up a save operation:

# src/operations/
class SaveUser < User::SaveOperation

You can have more than one operation object to save a record in different ways. For example, default Lucky apps have a SignUserUp specifically for handling user sign ups.

# Allowing params to be saved with permit_columns

By default you won’t be able to set any data from params. This is a security measure to make sure that parameters can only be set that you want to permit users to fill out. For example, you might not want your users to be able to set an admin status through the SaveUser operation, but setting the name is ok.

To permit users to set columns from JSON or form params, use the permit_columns macro:

# src/operations/
class SaveUser < User::SaveOperation
  permit_columns name

Now you will be able to fill out the user’s name from request params.

# Creating records

Actions have a params method that returns a LuckyWeb::Params object. This is used by the operation to get form params that are set by submitting an HTML form or when saving with a JSON API.

To create a record, you pass a block that is run whether the save is successful or not.

You will always receive the operation object, but you will only get the saved record if there are no errors while saving. If there are errors, the record will be nil.

# inside of an action with some form params
SaveUser.create(params) do |operation, user|
  if user # the user was saved
    html Users::ShowPage, user: user
    html Users::NewPage, save_user: operation

# Updating records

In contrast to create, update will always pass the record to the block. To check if any changes were persisted, you can call operation.saved?, or operation.valid? to check if the submitted data was saved.

# inside of an action with some form params
user =
SaveUser.update(user, params) do |operation, updated_user|
  if operation.saved?
    html Users::ShowPage, user: updated_user
    html Users::NewPage, save_operation: operation

# Saving with update! and create!

update!/create! will raise an Avram::InvalidOperationError if the record fails to save or is invalid. This version is often used when writing JSON APIs or for creating sample data in your the seed tasks in the /tasks folder.

user = UserQuery.first
# Returns the updated user or raises
updated_user = SaveUser.update!(user, params)

params is defined in your actions for you. You can also save without a params object, for example, in your specs, or in a seeds file.

# Bulk updating

Bulk updating is when you update one or more columns on more than one record at a time. This is a much faster procedure than iterating over each record to update individually.

# Query for all users that are inactive
users =

# Make them all active! Returns the total count of updated records.
total_updated = users.update(active: true)

The bulk update is called on a Query object instead of a SaveOperation.

# Upsert records

An “upsert” is short for “update or insert”, or in Avram terminology a “create or update”. If the values in an operation conflict with an existing record in the database, Avram updates that record. If there is no conflicting record, then Avram will create new one.

In Avram, you must define which columns the SaveOperation should look at when determining if a conflicting record exists. This is done using the macro Avram::Upsert.upsert_lookup_columns

In almost every case the upsert_lookup_columns should have a unique index defined in the database to ensure no conflicting records are created, even from outside Avram.

# Full Example

class User < BaseModel
  table do
    column name : String
    column email : String # This column has a unique index

class SaveUser < User::SaveOperation
  # Can be one or more columns. In this case we choose just :email
  upsert_lookup_columns :email

# Will create a new row in the database since no row with
# `email: ""` exists yet
SaveUser.upsert!(name: "Bobby", email: "")

# Will update the name on the row we just created since the email is
# the same as one in the database
SaveUser.upsert!(name: "Bob", email: "")

# Difference between upsert and upsert!

There is an upsert and upsert! that work similarly to create and create!. upsert! will raise an error if the operation is invalid. Whereas upsert will yield the operation and the new record if the operation is valid, or the operation and nil if it is invalid.

# Will raise because the name is blank
SaveUser.upsert!(name: "", email: "")

# Operation is invalid because name is blank
SaveUser.upsert(name: "", email: "") do |operation, user|
  # `user` is `nil` because the operation is invalid.
  # If the `name` was valid `user` would be the newly created user

# Detecting updated or created

Since an upsert will attempt to find first and then update when found, you may want to know if the operation performed a create or an update. You can use created? or updated? on the operation to get this value.

SaveUser.upsert(name: "Will", email: "") do |operation, user|
  operation.created? # => true
  operation.updated? # => false

SaveUser.upsert(name: "William", email: "") do |operation, user|
  operation.created? # => false
  operation.updated? # => true

# Saving Serialized JSON

Serialized columns will be deserialized before being saved allowing you to work with the serialized object directly.

class SignUpUser < User::SaveOperation
  before_save do
    preferences.value = User::Preferences.from_json("{}")

You can set your operation up with virtual properties to map back to your serializable object when updating.

class UpdateUser < User::SaveOperation
  attribute allow_email : Bool
  before_save do
    if prefs = preferences.value
      prefs.receive_email = !!allow_email.value

For more info on working with JSON APIs, See Writing JSON APIs guide.

# Using with HTML forms

You can use operations in HTML like this:

Remember: you must mark a field in permit_columns in order to set it from JSON/form params. If it isn’t permitted the program will not compile.

# src/pages/users/
class Users::NewPage < MainLayout
  needs save_user : SaveUser

  def content

  private def render_form(operation)
    form_for Users::Create do

      submit "Save User"

A private method render_form is extracted because it makes it easier to see what a page looks like with a quick glance at the content method.

class Users::Create < BrowserAction
  post "/users" do
    # params will have the form params sent from the HTML form
    SaveUser.create(params) do |operation, user|
      if user # if the user was saved
        redirect to: Home::Index
        # re-render the NewPage so the user can correct their mistakes
        html NewPage, save_user: operation

# Specifying the param key

When params are given to an operation, the operation will look for a top level key that params are nested under. By default the key will be the SaveOperation’s underscored model name. (e.g. a SaveUser which inherits from User::SaveOperation will submit a user param key).

For non SaveOperations (not backed by a database model) the param_key is the underscored class name. So RequestPasswordReset would look for params in a request_password_reset key.

If you need to customize this, use the param_key macro in your operation.

class SaveAdmin < User::SaveOperation
  # Sets the param key to `admin` instead of the default `user` key.
  param_key :admin

The param_key is required in the operation. This means HTML and JSON params must be nested under the param key to be found. (e.g. HTML, JSON {"user":{"email":""}})

# Form element inputs

To see a list of all the different form element inputs, check out the HTML Forms guide.

# What are attributes?

Attributes defined in the operation do not return the value of the attribute. They return an Avram::Attribute that contains the value of the attribute, the name of the attribute, the param value, and any errors the attribute has.

This means that to access their value you must call value on the attribute.

class SaveUser < User::SaveOperation
  def print_name_value
    pp name.value

All of the columns from a model exist in SaveOperations as attributes, as well as any additional attribute specified.

# Tracking changed attributes

Sometimes you need to run code only when certain attributes have changed (sometimes called “dirty tracking”). Avram Attributes have a changed? and original_value method that makes it easy to see if an attribute has changed.

The following change tracking methods are available:

  • changed? - returns true if the attribute value has changed.
  • changed?(from: value) - returns true if the attribute has changed from the passed in value to anything else.
  • changed?(to: value) - returns true if the attribute value has changed to the passed in value.
  • original_value - returns the original value before it was changed. If the attribute is unchanged, value and original_value will be the same.

You can also combine from and to together: name.changed?(from: nil, to: "Joe")

Here is an example using changed? and original_value in an operation:

class SaveUser < User::SaveOperation
  permit_columns name, email, admin

  before_save do
    if admin.changed?(to: true)

  def validate_company_email
    if !email.value.ends_with?("")
      email.add_error("must be from to be an admin")

  after_save log_changes

  def log_changes(user : User)
    # Get changed attributes and log each of them do |attribute| do
          from: attribute.original_value.to_s,
          to: attribute.value.to_s

# Passing data without route params

Often times you want to add extra data to a form that the user does not fill out.

In this example, we’ll associate a comment with a post:

class Posts::Comments::Create < BrowserAction
  post "/posts/:post_id/comments" do
    post = PostQuery.find(post_id)
    # Params contain the title and body, but not the post_id
    # So we set it ourselves
    SaveComment.create(params, post_id: do |operation, comment|
      # Do something with the form and comment

This sets the post_id when instantiating the operation. You can pass anything that is defined as a column on your model. Note that the attributes are type safe, so you don’t need to worry about typos or passing the wrong types. Lucky is set up to make sure it works automatically.

# Passing extra data to operations

Sometimes you need to pass extra data to operations that aren’t in the form params. For example you might want to pass the currently signed in user so that you know who created a record. Here’s how you do this:

# This is a great way to pass in an associated record
class SaveUser < User::SaveOperation
  needs current_user : User

  before_save assign_user_id

  def assign_user_id
    modified_by_id.value =

SaveUser.create(params, current_user: a_user) do |operation, user|
  # do something

This will make it so that you must pass in current_user when creating or updating the SaveUser. It will make a getter available for current_user so you can use it in the operation, like in the before_save macro shown in the example.

# Non-database column attributes

Sometimes you want users to submit data that isn’t saved to the database. For that we use attribute.

Here’s an example of using attribute to create a sign up user operation:

# First we create a model
# src/models/
class User < BaseModel
  table do
    column name : String
    column email : String
    column encrypted_password : String
# src/operations/
require "crypto/bcrypt/password"

class SignUserUp < User::SaveOperation
  # These are fields that will be saved to the database
  permit_columns name, email
  # Attributes that users can fill out, but aren't saved to the database
  attribute password : String
  attribute password_confirmation : String
  attribute terms_of_service : Bool

  before_save validate_data_inputs

  def validate_data_inputs
    # Make sure the user has checked the terms of service box
    validate_acceptance_of terms_of_service
    # Make sure the passwords match
    validate_confirmation_of password, with: password_confirmation

  private def encrypt_password(password_value : String?)
    if password_value
      encrypted_password.value = Crypto::Bcrypt::Password.create(password_value, cost: 10).to_s

# Using attributes in an HTML form

Using attributes in HTML works exactly the same as with database fields:

# src/pages/sign_ups/
class SignUps::NewPage < MainLayout
  needs sign_up_user : SignUpUser

  def content

  private def render_form(operation)
    form_for SignUps::Create do
      # labels omitted for brevity
      password_input operation.password
      password_input operation.password_confirmation
      checkbox operation.terms_of_service

      submit "Sign up"

# Basic Operations

Just like attribute, there may also be a time where you have an operation not tied to the database. Maybe a search operation, signing in a user, or even requesting a password reset.

For these, you can use Avram::Operation:

# src/operations/
class SearchData < Avram::Operation
  attribute query : String = ""
  attribute active : Bool = true

  def run
    validate_required query

Just define your run method, and have it return some value, and you’re set!

These operations work similar to SaveOperation. You can use attribute, and needs, plus any of the validations that you need. There are a few differences though.

# Operation Callbacks

You will use before_run and after_run for the callbacks. These work the same as before_save and after_save on SaveOperation.

# Using with HTML Forms

Using operations in HTML works exactly the same as the rest:

# src/pages/searches/
class Searches::NewPage < MainLayout
  needs search_data : SearchData

  def content

  private def render_form(operation)
    form_for Searches::Create do
      label_for operation.query
      text_input operation.query


      submit "Filter Results"

Finally, using the operation in your action:

class Searches::Create < BrowserAction
  post "/searches" do do |operation, results|
      # `valid?` is defined on `operation` for you!
      if operation.valid?
        html SearchResults::IndexPage, users: results
        html Searches::NewPage, search_data: operation

# Handling errors

Each attribute in your operation has an add_error method. This lets you specify errors directly on the attribute which can be used in forms to highlight specific fields.

class SignInUser < Avram::Operation
  attribute username : String
  attribute password : String

  def run
    user =

    unless Authentic.correct_password?(user, password.value.to_s)
      # Add an error to the `password` attribute.
      password.add_error "is wrong"
      return nil


Then to get the errors, you can call operation.errors. do |operation, user|
  operation.errors #=> {"password" => ["password is wrong"]}

If you need to set custom errors that are not on any attributes, you can use the add_error method.

def run
  user =

  if user.try(&.banned)
    add_error(:user_banned, "Sorry, you've been banned.")

Now your operation.errors will include {"user_banned" => ["Sorry, you've been banned"]}.

# Saving without a params object

This can be helpful if you’re saving something that doesn’t need an HTML form, like if you only need the params passed in the path.

SaveUser.create!(name: "Paul")

# for updates
SaveUser.update!(existing_user, name: "David")

# Saving an enum value

You can pass an instance of your enum to the column you wish to update.

SaveUser.create!(name: "Paul", role: User::Role::Superadmin)

# Using URL slugs instead of ID

When it comes to passing a model reference through the URL, you can pass the ID for easy lookup. (e.g. /posts/1234)

However, it’s also common practice to use a more human readable form like /posts/learning-lucky. In this case, we call the “learning-lucky” a “slug”. Avram comes built with a way to “slugify” a column with some type-safe checks.

You will first want to require the Avram::Slugify extension in your src/

# src/
require "avram"
require "avram/slugify"
# ...

Next, be sure to add a slug : String column to your model you wish to slufigy. For this example, we’ll use a Post.

# src/models/
class Post < BaseModel
  table do
    column title : String
    column slug : String

Lastly, we will want to make sure that our title is slugified before saving the post.

# src/operations/
class SavePost < Post::SaveOperation
  permit_columns title

  before_save do
    Avram::Slugify.set slug,
      using: title,

The query allows us to check for slug uniqueness. If that one exists, a random UUID will be appended to the slug.

Now when we save our post, the title will be transformed in to a URL safe slug that we can use to look the record up, but also allow it to be both SEO friendly, and human readable.

To find the record, you can find by the slug."learning-lucky").first

Checkout the querying guide for more examples.

# Ideas for naming

In Lucky it is common to have multiple operations per model. This makes it easier to understand what an operation does and makes them easier to change later without breaking other flows.

Here are some ideas for naming:

  • ImportCsvUser - great for operations that get data from a CSV.
  • SignUpUser - for signing up a new user. Encrypt passwords, send welcome emails, etc.
  • SignInUser - check that passwords match
  • SaveAdminUser - sometimes admin can set more fields than a regular user. It’s often a good idea to extract a new operation for those cases.
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